We strive at Aerden Setters to match our girls with the best males that fit what they need physically and also what matches up best with their pedigree. Most of the Dad's are owned by other people. We send our girls out to trusted breeders as we feel a natural mating is the best. We hope you enjoy looking at the stud dogs that have become part of our pedigrees.
Stoli was a Group winning dog along with Specialty wins to finish his Championship. Stoli was OFA excellent and BAER clear. He had a fabulous temperment and his puppies have been wonderful.
Pepsi was a beautiful orange belton with OFA Hips, Elbows, and Bear. He had an awesome pedigree.
Emanuel was a double Hadji grandson. He had an outstanding temperment which he passed onto his kids, he also produced wonderful bone and toplines. Emanuel was the 2003 National Futurity Winner.
Neville was a Specialty and Group winning dog in the United States and a Group winner in Europe. He was on the top-ranked English Setters list for multiple years and finished 2009 in the Top Five. Neville has all the major health clearances.
© 2025 Aerden Setters.